Duprocess® - Solid, dependable solutions based on sound technology and decades of listening and responding to our customers.
Duprocess® provides more than a recording system to County Recorders and Clerks of Court. It is an advanced toolset for our customers to make their jobs easier, quicker and allow them to provide better service to their customers.
Flexible workflow design. This means that Duprocess® can support your workflow, not force you into a specific workflow that doesn’t meet your needs. Whether you cashier, scan, index all at the same time or do each step separately or a variation, Duprocess® gives you these options. You determine the best workflow for you situation and Duprocess® supports it.
General Cashiering Features
- Adjustable/configurable workflow by user
- On the fly workflow variations for those non-standard situations
- Scan during cashiering or delay until indexing.
- Labels can be digitally burned, physically printed or combination
- Escrow and billable account
- Ability to suspend transaction and resume from any workstation
- Ability to jump to search without cancelling or suspending current transaction.
- Auto-generate letters (rejections, requests, etc.) directly from cashiering when needed.
- Print / reprint labels on demand.
- Post deposits on account to escrow and billable accounts directly thru cashiering.
- Integrated credit card processing
- No charge items (internal other departments, etc.) recorded directly through same screen as cashiered items
- Cashier any item document or non-document thru same process.
- Fees automatically calculated and split according to local business rules.
- Unlimited number of items (documents, non-documents) and unlimited number of tenders(multiple checks, cash, money orders, etc.) on single receipt.
- Validation / Notification of page count if page count scanned does not match page count cashiered.
eRecording Features
- eRecording Que notifications immediately upon receiving.
- Process eRecordings right within cashiering screen. No need to move to another screen.
- eRecording ques separated between commercial and no-charge (government agencies).
- eRecording reject with click of button identify reason for rejection associated to specific document and automatically return to submitter
- Ability to search historic eRecordings for details of completion or rejection.
Imaging Specific Features
- Automatically color-scan specific documents (e.g. Death Certificates, Birth Certificates, etc.)
- Auto SSN redaction option. Have Duprocess®® automatically redact SSN upon scan. No need for a 3rd party tool.
- Digital certification stamp. Print copy of document with digitized certification text at click of a button.
- Rubber stamp documents during cashiering with pre-defined or on the fly text.
- Lighten, darken, improve contrast of entire image, or a user lassoed area of the image.
- Image Versioning. Duprocess®® keeps historic image versions with lookup list for each document to allow for review and reactivate of any previous version if necessary.
- Scan single, duplex, standard, legal, color, black and white on demand.
- Link instrument to a previously scanned digital file.
- Lasso OCR any section of image.
- Lasso to select any portion of image to print only that section. (Plats, maps, etc.)
- Flag image as confidential. Only users with ability to view confidential can see image.
Indexing/Document Processing/ Search- Internal Secured User
- Multi-step document processing customized to your specifications (e.g. Receipt, Scan, Index, Verify). Or any combination.
- Release to pubic at any step depending on your local business process.
- Indexing que provides quick access to documents requiring indexing.
- Quick Keys for standard functions to speed up throughput and eliminate need for mouse during data entry.
- Copy Grantors to Grantees or Grantees to Grantors, singularly or all.
- Import parties, related instruments, images, etc. as needed from previous documents.
- QA process for on screen verification of indexing steps thru each document or report generated for visual review in concert with batch status update upon completion of verify.
- Audit of instrument changes viewable directly from instrument screen tracks what changed (old and new values), who changed it, and when it was changed.
- Duplicate document records with click of button. (Feature provides ability to save manual data entry steps when document is recorded in 2 separate books, e.g. Conveyance, Mortgage).
- Manually add legacy instruments (allows for manually assigning instrument number, book and page. No auto assignment of numbers) and either scan image or attach existing image file.
- Lock of instrument when accessed for update with notification to anyone who accesses record while locked. (Includes supervisor unlock override capability when necessary).
- Flag instrument as Sealed and/or Expunged and/or Confidential.
- Document Status for identifying document as Original, Altering, Cancelled for documents such as Mortgages, Assignments, Cancellations, etc.
- Search results list (full or user selected subset) can be exported to Excel or printed including images.
- Email either original or redacted image at click of a button from Search Results list.
- Ability for each user to customize desired column layout in search results and save preferences.
- Ability to step through and view each image of searched instruments results without leaving the image view screen.
- Ability to jump between instrument and original cashiering transaction at click of a button.
Web Portal Inquiry
- Public login and account creation without requiring internal user intervention.
- Subscription purchasing via integrated credit card processing for public.
- Deposits/Payments on account can be processed via web portal.
- Shopping cart allows for accumulating desired documents (or specific pages of documents) prior to checkout.
- Customer account transactions viewable to customer through web portal.
- Copies from web emailed and downloaded to customer.
- Export search results to Excel, PDF or XML.
- Raw Data Export to file option can be enabled for specific customers.
- User friendly interface provides ability to move between searched records list images without leaving the image view screen.
- Ability for each user of web portal to customize column layout for their own preference.
- Ability to append new search results to existing list.
- Previous search history allows user to easily return to search previously executed.
Optional Integrated Applications
- Marriage License
- Business License
- Passports
- Probate Court (2018)